Sunday, April 3, 2011

Welcome to the Daydream Cafe!

Acera Café, París Originally uploaded by pasalolaraj

Welcome to the Daydream Cafe! I'm your server. Care to hear about our special?

Yes, please.

Today's special consists of a heaping serving of the authors who are going to blurb your currently unpublished novel. We have quite a selection to choose from today.

Someone told me you had Robin McKinley on the menu; is she still available?

The author of Beauty and The Hero and the Crown and The Blue Sword?

Yes, and Sunshine too.

You're in luck! I believe there is only one more Robin McKinley back in the Daydream kitchen. She's been a popular one today.

Excellent! I'll take her then with a side serving of Kristin Cashore.

Nice choice! Would you like a Stephanie Meyer for dessert?

Mmm, not today, thanks. Maybe for the next novel.

Okay, we'll have that right up for you then!


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