Saturday, September 21, 2013

I Tried It From Pinterest! Maple Granola

This is actually the third time I've made this granola, but each time I make add something different to it. I am not embarrassed to say that I'm a little addicted to it.

Granola: All the ingredients in a row

Ingredients Gathered 
(Sadly, you can't see the maple syrup well. It's in the brown jug in the back and is Vermont Grade A Medium Amber from Bragg Farm Sugarhouse in Montpelier, VT.)

Granola: Pretty mixture of yummy dry ingredients
All the dry ingredients ready to go!
This time I used pumpkin seeds and mixed dried fruit. Yummy!

Granola: Super sticky and ready for the oven
The granola is now super sticky and laid out on a piece of parchment paper on a cookie sheet. Ready for the oven!

Granola: Warm and Toasty
25 minutes later and I have this beautifully toasted mixture of amazingness.

Ready to eat my granola
Usually, I eat the granola on top of Greek yogurt, but today I just wanted to taste
 the pure awesomeness of the granola with unsweetened Almond Coconut milk.
In a Vermont College of Fine Arts mug!

This is so easy to make that I know I'll be doing it for a long, long time. 

What are your favorite recipes you've found from Pinterest? Or anywhere else online?

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