So, my uncle Gary was harrassing me (in a nice, uncley sort o' way) about calling the husband "the husband," and suggested, instead, that I call him "The Husband." (Do you see the difference. Yes, it's a subtle one.) So, I was going to do that until I came up with a new nickname for The Husband. Introducting...
Tasty Soldier Husband (a.k.a. TSH).
If any of you watch Scrubs (yes, it's one of my guilty pleasures), you already know all about TCW. And if you don't, well, don't worry about it; not knowing what it means certainly won't affect your eternal salvation. But it did give me the idea for TSH.
I wanted to take a picture of TSH in his dress uniform today, but he took it off before I had a chance because a button had come off and now he'll have to replace it. I hope I can get a pic before he leaves on Friday.