Sunday, August 7, 2011


So, my first residency at Vermont College was pretty amazing. Here, I count the reasons why. (Along with pictures of the campus and the surrounding area, not in any particular order.)
Montpelier, VT

1. Vermont is gorgeous. Did you know this? It's green everywhere and everyone has gardens that I would kill to have.

Montpelier, VT
2. The Writing for Children and Young Adults program is capped at 100 people. In my semester, there were 26 people. 26? I looked around there the first day we all met together and thought, "Hey! There are only 26 first semester students, and I'm one of them! How did that happen?" And then it occurred to me: I must be pretty good. Holy boost to my morale, Batman!

3. To go along with number 2, since they cap the program at 100, that means that the other people in the program are good writers too. I just kept looking around, wondering whose book would be published next.

Garden behind Dewey Hall Vermont College
4. The faculty. Hello! I'm hearing lectures from and am in workshops with best-selling and award-winning authors. And they're so friendly and so helpful and they really want their students to succeed.

5. Remember how I was worried about my roommate? Yeah, I so didn't need to worry about that. She's an incredible person. And we ate chocolate together.

6. Vermont cleared up my cough! Seriously.

Things you find in the wall Montpelier, VT

So, that's my summer residency adventure. How have your adventures been coming along?


orangemily said...

Love the pictures!! You are awesome and talented!

HeidiPie said...

Wow, that is pretty awesome! And so I that pretty much means that you're awesome too!! But, we already knew that.

Nicole said...

Wow, it IS so gorgeous there!!!! Think I can tag along in your suitcase next summer???

Yea for confidence boosts! I think the universe sends them to us just when we are about to give up hope. Can't wait to get my first advanced copy of your book. :)

Amy Jo said...

Your pictures remind me so much of living in New England. I miss it! I'm glad you had so much fun. Maybe you can fit me into your suitcase next time? :)