Sunday, January 3, 2010

3 Wishes for 2010

I'm not going to make resolutions this year. Instead, I'm giving myself 3 wishes for the new year. I'm not a genie or a fairy or a talking fish, so I can't grant anyone else 3 wishes. Just myself. Here they are:

1. I wish for a year of following my bliss. A year that includes writing and creating art and being in my children's lives.

2. I wish for a year of happiness for my sweetheart. For him coming home safe in April, for him finding a job he can like and that can support our family, and for him to begin to live a life he loves.

3. I wish for a year of realized dreams for all those I love and care for. And, yes, that means your dreams as well.

As I said, I can't grant you three wishes, but you can grant them to yourself. What will you wish for in this new year?



orangemily said...

I like it. Good luck with your wishes!

HeidiPie said...

I wish I knew my wishes.

ann cannon said...

I wish that all your wishes are granted!

Thanks for visiting my blog, Andria.

Andria said...

Oh my gosh! I feel famous! Ann Cannon left a comment on my blog! I love all of my other readers, but Ann Cannon left a comment on my blog!

Nicole said...

You have very generous wishes. I think that alone with ensure that your wishes come true!